What Is Email-to-SMS?

Email-to-SMS is a service that allows businesses to send SMS messages via a standard email. This is accomplished with an intermediary application, such as that offered by 160.com.au, that converts the email into an SMS. It is as simple as switching an email address for a telephone number, but this does require a subscription to the email-to-SMS service. 

An email-to-SMS gateway provider makes sending messages directly to a recipient’s phone easier than ever. But how exactly does it work, and why is it better than a standard email?

What Is Email-to-SMS?

How Emails Are Transformed Into SMS Messages

The architecture that supports an email system is entirely different from the SMS messaging system used in most phones. Emails are based on email and IP addresses, while SMS are based on phone numbers tied to SIM cards. 

However, these systems can be connected with applications that convert an email and send it as an SMS. This is what 160.com.au offers. Once an email is sent with a phone number to our servers, it is converted into an SMS message automatically and sent to the receiver. 

For two-way communication, the process happens in reverse. An SMS message is received by 160.com.au and is then converted into an email and forwarded to the original sender. 

The blending of these two systems makes instantly communicating with customers simpler than ever. It also enhances existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software systems by allowing instant notifications to customers via SMS rather than email. 

Why Is SMS Superior to Email?

Most people’s email inboxes are already overloaded. No matter how often people unsubscribe, more emails keep coming. Therefore, emails can easily get lost in the shuffle or go unseen for days. 

Even though people have access to email on their phones, emails still go unseen and unanswered. It isn’t uncommon for email notifications to continue to stack up while more personalised SMS texts are opened. 

Conversely, SMS messages arrive directly to the recipient’s phone. Not only that, but the notification and sound it makes is often different from that of an email, prompting users to open their phone to see what it says. 

SMS messages have an open rate far higher than any other form of communication, up to 90%. Once opened, the click-through and response rates are often far higher, as well. 

Email-to-SMS for Business

Businesses looking to find a better way to communicate with their potential and current customers would be wise to look at the email-to-SMS messaging applications offered by 160.com.au. They require no additional hardware or expensive mobile provider plans. 

This is especially effective for businesses that need to communicate instantly with customers, allowing appointment reminders, exclusive time-sensitive offers, and payment confirmations to be sent at optimal times. Customers who receive personalised and timely messages from companies also feel more valued. A client who believes a business cares about them is far more likely to become a return customer.

Final Thoughts

160.com.au offers an array of plans based on the scale of a business’ needs. We also offer API integration for CRM systems and virtual SMS numbers. Try packages from 160.com.au as needed, and start sending messages through your email account today!