Benefits of Personalised SMS

Consumers are bombarded with various forms of brand messaging every day, and many have become adept at turning a deaf ear to the marketing noise. Sending personalised short message service (SMS) messages through the platform is a powerful way to break through the commotion with meaningful and impactful marketing messages that generate improved campaign results.

Effective personalised marketing leverages current customer data to develop targeted and customised messages. By using personal channels to reach customers, companies can build deeper relationships and increase their reach to build brand loyalty and accelerate conversions–which can lead to greater revenues.

However, personalised and targeted messaging requires some forethought and planning. It’s not just about using the receiver’s name with a generic message. It is about including information that the customer will find meaningful and relevant to their needs and wants. When done effectively, SMS marketing can help improve the customer experience, strengthen relationships based on trust, drive engagement, and boost sales. 

Tailored customer SMS experiences can include texts that refer to recent purchases or online searches or provide recommendations or information about promotions based on their interests. When you send carefully crafted personal messages, the customer feels better understood and valued. 

How Personalised SMS Marketing Is Different

While email, social media, and other marketing methods allow for some customisation, personal SMSs are unique in other aspects. There is an immediate connection with the intended audience which makes them a great way to deliver time-sensitive information (e.g., a flash sale) and a call to action.

However, personalised messaging requires that the sender be very thoughtful about what the message says, who it is being sent to, and the timing of its delivery. Businesses need to be very succinct in their messaging because no one is going to read a long-winded text.

In addition, senders need to make sure the recipients give their consent to receive messages and that the SMS marketing campaign complies with any relevant government regulations and customer privacy laws and protections.

Customer data also needs to be protected, so make sure the information you’re using is securely stored and managed to prevent data breaches. Along the same lines, customers need to be able to opt-out or unsubscribe if they don’t want to receive future communications.

In Summary

Personalised SMS marketing is changing the way brands connect with their customer base. Forbes recently reported that 72% of those who receive marketing texts only interact with personalised ones, 80% only buy from brands that personalise the customer experience, and 63% will stop buying brands that use poor personalisation tactics.

SMS marketing is an effective way to stay engaged with current and potential customers while building loyal and strong relationships. Texts have become such an integral part of our digital life that businesses need to actively send them or risk losing out to competitors who are more up-to-date on current marketing trends!