What Is WordPress SMS?

Wordpress SMS (WP SMS) is a WordPress plugin that connects your website to our 160.com.au text messaging platform, allowing you to send text messages directly from within your WP SMS dashboard.

Easy To Set Up

Simply select 160.com.au from the menu, enter in your 160.com.au login information (you only need to do this once) and you’re done!

Loads of Features

SMS alerts/reminders, Scheduling, Webhooks, URL shorteners, REST API, WordPress Notifcations and more.


WP SMS integrates with other popular platforms including Zapier, Contact Form 7, Formidable, WooCommerce and more.

What Are Some Of The Ways People Use It

Marketing and Customer Engagement
SMS Marketing Campaigns: Send promotional messages, special offers, and discounts to subscribers.

Event Reminders: Automate reminders for upcoming events or appointments.

Feedback Collection: Gather immediate customer feedback via SMS to improve services.

Security and Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enhance website security with SMS-based 2FA.

One-Time Passwords (OTP): Implement OTP verification for various functions.

Mobile Number Login: Allow users to log in using their mobile numbers

E-commerce and Retail

Order Notifications: Send SMS updates to WooCommerce customers about their orders.

Abandoned Cart Recovery: Remind customers about items left in their shopping carts.

Local Business Promotion: Drive customer loyalty and increase foot traffic to local stores.

Integration with Other Platforms
Form Integrations: Work with popular form plugins like Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, and Ninja Forms.

Zapier Integration: Connect with over 5,000 apps for expanded functionality.

API Support: Leverage WP REST API for advanced integrations.

Customer Service
Personalized Communications: Tailor messages to meet specific customer needs throughout their journey.

Account Notifications: Keep customers informed about changes to their accounts in real-time.

Two-Way Communication: Receive and respond to customer inquiries via SMS.

Administrative Notifications
New Post Publications: Notify subscribers when new content is published.

WordPress Updates: Alert admins about new WordPress releases.

User Registrations: Inform administrators about new user sign-ups.

Free SMS Credits Included

Send SMS: Allows users to send text messages (SMS) directly from the WordPress platform to individual contacts or groups.
Shorter URLs by Bitly: Integrates with Bitly to automatically shorten long URLs in SMS messages, saving character space and improving message readability.
Repeating SMS: Facilitates setting up recurring text messages that are sent at regular intervals, useful for reminders or periodic updates.
Scheduled SMS: Allows users to compose messages in advance and schedule them for future delivery at specific dates and times.
2-Factor Authentication in wp-login.php: Enhances login security by adding an SMS-based second factor of authentication to the WordPress login process.
Login With Mobile/SMS: Enables users to log in to the WordPress site using their mobile number and SMS verification instead of traditional username/password.
Message Button: Adds a customizable SMS button to web pages, allowing visitors to easily send text messages to the site owner or business.
Automatic Update: Keeps the plugin up-to-date with the latest features and security patches without manual intervention.
GDPR Compliance: Ensures the plugin adheres to General Data Protection Regulation standards, protecting user privacy and data rights.
Webhooks: Integrates with external services and applications through webhooks, allowing for automated actions and data exchange.
WordPress Notifications: Automates SMS notifications for various WordPress events such as new posts, comments, user registrations, and system updates.
SMS Newsletter & Subscribers: Enables creation and management of SMS subscriber lists, facilitating bulk messaging and newsletter-style communications via text.
Send SMS Gutenberg Block: Provides a custom Gutenberg block for easily adding SMS functionality within the WordPress block editor, enhancing content creation flexibility.
Zapier: Connects WP SMS with over 5,000 apps, enabling automated workflows and expanding functionality across various platforms.
WooCommerce: Adds SMS capabilities to e-commerce stores, including order notifications, shipping updates, and customer communications.
Contact Form 7: Integrates SMS capabilities with this popular form plugin, allowing for SMS notifications upon form submissions.
REST API: Provides a RESTful API for developers to integrate SMS functionality into other applications or extend the plugin’s capabilities.
Formidable: Enables SMS functionalities within Formidable forms, such as sending notifications or confirmations via text message.
BuddyPress: Enhances social networking sites with SMS features, improving member engagement and notifications.
Forminator: Incorporates SMS features into Forminator forms, enhancing user interaction and notification processes.
Quform: Integrates SMS functionality with Quform, allowing for text message notifications and confirmations for form submissions.
WP Job Manager: Integrates SMS functionalities with this job listing plugin, enabling notifications for new job postings, applications, or status updates.
Easy Digital Downloads: Adds SMS features to this digital product selling platform, including purchase notifications and download links via text.
Gravityforms: Incorporates SMS capabilities into Gravity Forms, enabling text message notifications and confirmations for form entries.
We Use Australian Carriers
Call our SMS support team on 1800 671 823 or see our full FAQ page.