How to Setup a Web-to-SMS Gateway

To send bulk SMS messages from a website, you need to enable the SMS Application Programming Interface (API) feature on your SMS gateway. An SMS API is the code that seamlessly links one platform to another so you can use existing systems to send and receive SMS messages from your customers and employees.

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Why Connecting Your Website to an SMS Gateway Makes Sense 

Because most messages start on a computer that is not SMS-compatible, an SMS gateway is needed to convert these messages from a web app into a format that can be sent to and understood by mobile devices.

After your website software is integrated with an enterprise-level secured SMS gateway, you no longer need to manually navigate to a different application to send SMS messages. The protocols of an SMS text messaging API gateway will automate the process for you.

When this technology was first introduced, companies needed to build their onsite systems and learn what was required to create an SMS gateway. Cloud-based SMS gateways like have eliminated the burden of developing and maintaining in-house systems. 

How to Configure an SMS Gateway

After investigating your options and finding an SMS provider that meets your requirements, create an account and upload your contact lists. The SMS provider will provide instructions on how to integrate your website with the gateway.

For example, offers a simple staging system that supports different means of connecting other applications. Here is how API integration is done on our platform:

  1. Navigate to the developer staging system.
  2. Check your credit balance.
  3. Send SMS messages to test the integration.
  4. Confirm that the messages were delivered and received by your intended audience.

In addition, provides an example of a PHP protocol to get you started. 

Keep Tabs on Your Integration

The SMS system will provide information about the success of your test run so that you can debug any issues before going live. Like any technology, after the website integration is completed, monitor its activity to ensure it’s performing optimally. also uses top Australian carriers like Telstra, Virgin Mobile, Vodafone, and Optus to ensure your messages get through. If you run into any snags, customer support for is based in Australia and available when you need it.

Integration Possibilities                                                     can integrate with your existing business systems–such as customer relationship management, marketing automation, e-commerce, and email platforms–to streamline processes and enhance user experiences.

When integrated, you can enjoy gateway features (e.g., international reach, keyword opt-in/opt-out, two-way communication, personalization, message scheduling, unique sender IDs, and more) from other applications.

How Web-to-SMS-Gateway Setups Are Used by Businesses

After your in-house systems are integrated with your SMS gateway, it’s time to get your SMS campaigns rolling. Some of the ways businesses commonly use bulk SMS are to:

  • Increase customer engagement with promotions, discounts, and announcements about products and services
  • Schedule appointments and send reminders
  • Enhance security with two-factor authorization
  • Collect data with surveys and feedback
  • Send time-sensitive and emergency messages

Of course, you are not limited by this list. How you design SMS campaigns is entirely up to you!

Partner With a Reputable Provider

An SMS gateway operated by a reliable provider takes the burden of creating and maintaining in-house systems off the shoulders of their business partners. When evaluating your options, make sure the gateway you choose is priced well, includes quality customer service, has an international network with a range of telecommunications networks and countries, and offers the features you need (such as the ability to integrate with your website and other systems).

Operating since 2000, is so confident in our easy-to-use SMS gateway that we offer a 100% delivery guarantee and a free trial so you can test it out yourself. Call us today to get started on your SMS journey!