Bulk SMS Gateway Features

Bulk SMS gateways allow users to send large quantities of messages to their customers and employees. To get the most from your bulk SMS gateway, make sure it includes features such as the ability to integrate with your business’s systems and software, automated alerts, international reach, as well as a way to communicate in both directions to boost engagement.

sms gateway australia

Bulk SMS Is an Effective Marketing Tool

SMS is more effective in reaching target audiences than other direct marketing methods. 80% of businesses use SMS to reach customers and nearly 70% are increasing their SMS marketing budgets. More importantly, the vast majority of the businesses that use SMS say their digital marketing is successful.

To take advantage of the full SMS gateway benefits and the 98% open rate associated with text messaging, there are certain features a bulk gateway solution should have, including:

Integration With Other Platforms

You want your bulk SMS gateway to integrate with your websites, customer relationships management platforms, and other business solutions. The gateway needs to be accessible from desktop and mobile devices, too. 

Scalability allows businesses to send SMS messages to a single customer or a large group of customers. Also, use integrated digital marketing channels such as email and social media to repeat and reinforce the messaging being sent by SMS.

Automated Alerts

With automated alerts, you can set up promotions, announcements, event reminders, etc. that are sent when certain triggers occur. Similarly, a keyword opt-in/opt-out gateway allows recipients to decide if they want to receive these texts or be removed from the contact list. 

For example, a coupon or discount offer might be sent to a customer via SMS who previously expressed an interest in a product or service on a website. Patients can be sent reminders about upcoming appointments with their doctors.

Global Reach

In today’s global business environment, global reach is essential. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for an international SMS gateway allow an organisation to stay in contact with customers, suppliers, partners, and employees in all corners of the globe.

Two-Way Engagement With Recipients

A bulk SMS gateway should facilitate two-way communication. Research shows that 64% of customers want to use SMS to have meaningful conversations with the companies that send them messages.

Final Thoughts

Reports and metrics from bulk SMS providers measure the effectiveness of SMS marketing campaigns. If messages are not achieving the expected results, businesses can adjust the text messaging campaign until the open rate is where they want it to be.

With the right functionality, companies in Australia can improve customer retention, conversions, and sales with a flexible bulk SMS platform like 160.com.au. Our platform is an affordable–yet powerful and scalable–tool that can reach mobile users anywhere in the world. Contact 160.com.au today to explore what we can do for your organisation!